Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Old Homestead Steak Place - Meat Packing District

Did you know Old Homestead was one of the first restaurants to have Kobe Beef grown in the US. And  Spain's Lionel Messi went there purposely to eat the hamburger when he came to NY to play a match against the red Bull.  

Alex Rodriguez from the Yankees loves the hamburger too, as well as the sea food tower. Other famous people who crave the Old Homestead Steak: Sarah Jessica Parker, Silvester Stallone, Donald Trump, Zak Poison, James Gandolfini, Antonio Banderas, Enrique Iglesias, Pau Gassol. 

The hamburger was 40 cents in 1800. Today, the Kobe beef Hamburger shown on TV is $42 = 32 Euros!

Owner of Old Homestead Steak place, Mark Cherry, went to Japan and fell in love with Kobe Beef. He was a pioneer on bringing Kobe Beef in the US. 

From the Meat packing epicenter, Kobe Beef was later a boom all over the world.

US Kobe Beef is the same breed of beef cow as Japan, (its original ecosystem), but raised in the US.

Upside: US Kobe beef lacks of foot and mouth disease. 
Irony: now the US Kobe beef is exported from the US to Japan.

Kobe beef cows reach 1800 lb in 9 months. In the US, the cows are raised in cages, their main meal is beer, and they do not move: they get massages three times a week. Is this sick? or a sweet treat?

Why Old Homestead hamburger is so delicious? 
One person is fully dedicated to just elaborate the delicious hamburgers. He guarantees the grind meat is always 80/20 mix of protein/fat. The meat is mixed by hand for 20 minutes, to guarantee it comes out as at homogenous mix. 

What is on the huge sea food tower shown on TV? Jumbo shrimps from Vietnam, Lobster tails from Main, East and West coast oysters, little neck clams, and other goodies. 

Hungry for more information? Visit!

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